Hardening Your Security With Network Segmentation / Segregation

  • Post category:All Posts
  • Post last modified:April 2, 2024

Network segregation is a process that Is used to divide up network elements into smaller parts that are called subnetworks, subnets, and network segments. These subnetworks allow IT administrators to separate critical network elements from the internet and other less critical systems. Network segregation allows the control of traffic flow based on those subnets and policies. Benefits of Network Segmentation are the following:

Diagram of a network and a subunit of that larger network.
  • Enhanced Security – Network Traffic can be isolated and contained to prevent or stop communication between networks. 
  • Improved Containment – If there is a network breach, its effect will be limited to only the local subnet. Other subnetworks can be safe. 
  • Improved Monitoring – Having networks divided allows you to quickly detect suspicious behavior and handle threats quickly. 
  • Improved Access Control – Network Segregation allows devices and users to only allow certain resources on the network. 
  • Improved Network Performance – Having fewer hosts per subnet means local traffic is kept to a minimum. Local subnets help isolate noisy broadcast traffic and decrease latency. 

The main point of introducing Network Segmentation and segregation to your infrastructure is to limit access to unneeded resources, make it difficult for an intruder to move throughout the network, and to help ease design and management of the internal networking infrastructure.